Board Member
Dr. Helen W. Taylor is a retired school principal, Alabama State Department of Education Principal Coach and Alabama A&M University Adjunct Professor that resides in Huntsville, Alabama. She received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Education from Tuskegee University and Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University. Further studies include University of Memphis, Appalachian State University, Alabama A&M University and Graduate of the Alabama Superintendent Preparation Program – Institute for Educational Leadership. After 38 years, Dr. Taylor entered retirement and has devoted her time and treasures to the church and community. She is a charter member and currently serves as Grand Lady of St. Francis of Assisi Court #286 and served six years as Faithful Navigator for Chapter 19 Infant of Prague. She is a member of Leadership Huntsville and has served on the Diocesan of Birmingham School Board and Principal Mentor to local catholic principals.