Secretary: Lori McCoy Shuler


Lori McCoy Shuler, a native Angeleno holds a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies with a concentration in Litigation from the University of West Los Angeles School of Law and Paralegal Studies and an MBA from Walden University with a concentration in Marketing and Project Management.  Mrs. McCoy Shuler has more than twenty-five years of experience in the legal field as a Senior Litigation Paralegal. Additionally, she has an extensive community and outreach background, where she focuses much of her time and passion empowering youth and promoting leadership development. She is an active member of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Holy Name of Jesus Court 121 (Los Angeles, CA) and is a member of the National Court Board of Directors- Western States District Deputy. Moreover, Mrs. McCoy Shuler serves as Advisory Board Chair of Umoja Center, a Community Center in Los Angeles, and as Associate Director of Operations of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition.

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